We are a team of physicists and mathematicians, located in Paris at Ecole des Mines, Ecole Normale Supérieure and INRIA. We model and build quantum hardware based on superconducting circuits. These qubits provide a hardware-efficient way to develop a quantum computer that is insensitive to environmental fluctuations.
One junior research leader position: see offer.
One staff scientist position : see offer.
We are always looking for motivated and curious students and postdocs.
For experiments, contact Zaki or Philippe.
For theory, contact Mazyar , Alain, Pierre, Antoine , or Alexandru.
Last update on 15/07/2024
We design, fabricate, and measure superconducting circuits to encode and protect quantum information. We are interested in questions like: Can quantum information persist on macroscopic timescales? Can we build circuits with more exotic electronic interactions than Cooper pairing?
We study a new paradigm for encoding, protecting, and manipulating quantum information in a quantum harmonic oscillator (e.g. a high-Q mode of a 3D superconducting cavity) instead of a multi-qubit register. The infinite dimensional Hilbert space of such a system can be used to redundantly encode quantum information.
We develop systematic mathematical methods for dynamical analysis, control, and estimation of composite and open quantum systems. Our subjects of interest range from quantum input-output theory to stabilization by measurement-based quantum feedback.